miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014


We are going to test the amount of time until the organs stop producing DeoxyriboNucleic Acid. The experiment will be tested by us with different organs such as a liver, a heart and a brain. Furthermore, we will use those organs with different animals. For example, those organs will be extracted from cows, pigs and chickens. 
We are going to show variantion in the producing of DNA among all the organs extracted from the different animals. This variation will be represented through tables and graphs. We will put the organs in the fridge in the chemistry lab to conserve the organs in a good shape.

We are going to focus on cloning.  We want to know the amount of time we have to extract DNA from the organs. With this, we know the amount of time we have until no more DNA is produced, and therefore, no cloning is possible. Cloning may not present variation among species, but it can put an end to extiction. Even though it is not etically or morally correct, it is a scientific process which can be helpful for the rest of animals which may be in danger of extinction.

DNA is produced in the cells, and it contains all the genes of an individual. His set of genes is called genome. DNA is found in two complementary strands, which are known as A and A'. In total, there are 46 chromosomes in each cell in humans, therefore, 23 pairs. Out of these 23 pairs, 22 are autosomic, which means that they have information about somatic cells, not gametes. The other pair are sex-linked, so they have genes which are related to sex. Gametes have 23 chromosomes, half of them, in order to have differential reproduction.

With this experiment our aim is to prove that dead organs still produce DNA, and therefore, still are able to work. This experiment proved that dead people could donate their organs to other people without problems, so many lives were saved becauseof this. This, related to transplants, is a great achievement. Out of some strands of DNA, we could produce a whole new human being exactly the same as the DNA says, a clone. This could be good or bad,  depending on the person. On the one hand, it is a great achievement for science, because there could be some clones with the sole purpose of donating their organs. On the other hand, thinking about the clones' lives, they would be in complete suffering and they would live much less than regular human beings. This experiment has already been done. The sheep Molly was a clone made by russian scientists of another sheep. The experiment did not work out because they managed to clone the sheep after 138 tries. This proves that there is still a long ways to go until we find out exactly what is necessary to do. It is also very expensive.

(Genetics Home Reference, 2015)

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